hello hello.. since i am free now, might as well update hor.. haha.. on tuesday, 8th July, i met up with dearest Jannah at 7.30 at her home.. we had made arrangements to go to dearest Faz house for the prayers which is held in memory of her late nephew.. we reached there at around 8 plus but had to wait for faz at her void deck coz we dunno which floor.. she was out doing some errands.. at around 10.15pm, we left the house and headed home.. oh ya, wat a sad thingy that X-Tech did not win Anugerah Band.. haiya.. well, at least X-Tech won the award of Media Darling.. well, sometimes being the champion doesn't mean u are the best except for TAUFIK BATISAH.. he is the best lah.. hehe.. yesterday at work, my boss told me that in one of a shpt to our customer, there were some extra qtys which was not supposed to be there!! i was shocked to learnt that but the most fcuked up thing is how he CONFIDENTLY says that I was the one who did the packing!!! whoa.. i was like so irritated when he say that.. i have never been doing any major packing of goods except for card shpt!! how dare he put the blame on me.. it has always been him or the driver doing the packing at his instructions and approval. so since the driver has long gone resigned, that makes him the ultimate 'packer'.. haiyo.. very fcuked up.. when i told him that i was never the one doing any big packing, he quickly changed the subject and started talking to his friend who just came to his office and asked me to check the discrepancy.. wat the hell!! anyway, i am so over that incident as only Allah and me know who the real 'packer' is! haha.. as for today, i will be meeting dearest Fadly after work.. i wish i can catch the movie 'HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY' at the cinema!! must find money first.. haha.. ok lah.. gtg now.. bye!!