hello.. yesterday was great.. me and my hubby first
met up after work and we head to Vivo first to chill.. after
which we took the NEL train and head towards Clarke Quay..
no, we are not there for clubbing purposes.. haha... we wanted
to go to FURAMA RIVER FRONT HOTEL as my paternal family
is having a dinner gathering at the KINTAMANI INDONESIA RESTAURANT..
my hubby walked all the way from Clarke Quay station to Havelock Road..
it took us 20 mins to reach our destination... haiya.. tiring but enjoyable...
we saw my family at the lobby and we head to the restaurant.. a few minutes
later, everyone arrvived and then we started the buffet.. the food is truly
delicious... YUMMY.. even my hubby and me contemplated to come
back another time to eat at the restaurant... hehe.. buffet is better than
ala carte... after eating, everyone just kinda chill out and talk2 till 9.30pm...
3 and a half hours gone just like that.. haha... took some pictures while i
was there with my cousin's camera.. after that, everyone went down to the
lobby and made their own way home.. my hubby and i was the first to
leave and we walked back down to Clarke Quay.. haiz.. tiring again!!!
but enjoyable coz of the night scenery and atmosphere... ok lah..
i wanna rest now.. till next time, tata...
check out my ticket to the Maroon 5 concert.. haha.. can't wait to go.. well, the seat that i am getting
is not exactly the best seat but it is not too bad..
wat can i expect... free ticket wat... haha..
okie dokie.. my family just got back from swimming
at Clementi.. and my mom is gonna get some food ready
for a steamboat.. hurhur!! i love seafood steamboat...
i gtg now.. wanna go get some noodles at the shop
to complete the steamboat thingy... bye bye!!!
hello peepz.. been some time since i spared some time
to update my blog.. since the CSI Miami starts at 10.30pm,
i might as well update.. anyway, u guys are not going to believe
this but my father won a pair of tickets to the Maroon 5 concert!!!
haha.. he was listening to Class 95FM and there was a contest which
you have to be the first caller to win the tickets and he was indeed the
first person to call so now, he wins the pair of tickets!! haha.. i know
i am rambling but i am very happy bcoz my father is giving me and my
sis the tickets to the concert!!!!!!!!!!! hurhur!!! the concert is on 25th
march 2008 at S'pore Indoor Stadium at 8pm... i just wish i have a
digital camera to bring along so that i can take pictures of the band!!!
anyone care to loan me their camera??? hehehe.. jkjk... tmrw is another
working day.. yawn!! since last week tuesday till saturday, i either had
to come in to work by 8am or 9am bcoz our office store needs to be shifted...
i have to be at the store taking down the stocks!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!!!!! i even
had to rush thru my lunch so that everything is in order.. luckily all that
is over and i am back to going to work at 10.30am as usual!! haiz...
wat to do... i have no contract or anything that mentions my specific
duties so i have to do everything that is shoved to me!!!
personal stuff and company stuff!
ok lah.. gtg now.. wanna watch CSI MIAMI.. bye people!!!
hello!! wah. long time no update!! haiya! busy lah!! wat to do!!
i just got back from Fai's house earlier at 7 as there was Ita's (fai's sister)
engagement ceremony... there was all my GTYN peeps.. finally
got to see them altogether... it has been very long since we all had a
gathering.. yesterday, my hubby and me went to watch the show
10,000 BC.. i must emphasize that the movie is very GOOD...
after watching a few bad movies in a row, i am glad that it has ended!
haha... i just can't wait for the Chronicles of Narnia 2 to come into the
big screen... hurhur!!!
oh ya.. on saturday was my off day!! cool huh.. it is bcoz my boss
is out of town and his wife also not in town so no one can open the
office!!! good for me as i can rest from work for 2 days...
ok ok lah.. i gtg now.. i lazy to update more at this moment..
till next time, bye!!!!!!!